The residents of this Home are 70 years and beyond, some in the nineties nearing the century mark. All their personal needs and worries are taken care of, by the Management through generous donations from the public. Thus they usually spend time in prayer and meditation for spiritual peace and serenity. On Sabbath days venerable Sayadaws and learned monks of the Order Sanghas deliver precepts of morality, higher discipline, and sermons.
                Meditation sessions to purify the mind, lasting one hour, are also held in the “Thiri Ratana Prayer Hall” under guidance of learned disciplined preceptors. They also stroll at leisure in the evenings,and worship the “Aye Chan Aung Myin” Pagoda enshrined in the premisesof the Home.


Hninzigon Home for The Aged
No.21, Kabaaye Pagoda Road.Yangon, Myanmar. Tel: 59-1-541796, 95-1-541797, 95-1-546196

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2015 Hninzigon, Home for the Aged. All rights reserved.